Doctors instruct people 65 years and older to get flu shots, eat a high-fiber diet and do strengthening exercises to stay healthy. A brain stroke can result in the loss of various sensorimotor functions in a patient, and shoulder exercises for stroke patients can often lead to conditions such as paralysis, sensory perceptual dysfunction and spasticity, as well as muscle atrophy (a condition in which the muscles start to get wasted due to lack of any physical activity).
Tables 1 and 2 depict data about participants, such as time after stroke, sample size and age, type of study, author's name, year of publication, evaluations of the investigated variables, benefits of RT, and structured resistance training programs (rest interval between sets and exercises, number of sets, number of repetitions, intensity, duration of training, and weekly frequency).
Some examples of CIMT include opening and closing a door several times, holding a grocery bag in the affected hand and carrying it around the house, pulling laundry out with the affected arm, moving light objects from one area to another, squeezing toothpaste, or turning a light switch on and off.
Dynamometry; timed up and go; six-minute walk test; stair climbing test; sit and stand up test; isokinetic strength; walking speed; peak FC; peak VO2; 1MR; quality of life; balance; scales used to monitor perception of effort; EMG; strength platform.
HIT stimulates physiological remodeling comparable with moderate-intensity continuous training in healthy people despite a substantially lower time commitment (67% lower after HIT than continuous training) and reduced total exercise volume (90% lower after HIT than continuous training) 8 , 45 - 49 For example, the HIT programs increased VO2peak, compliance in peripheral arteries and improved endothelial function in the trained legs to the same extent as continuous endurance training despite a markedly reduced time commitment per session and total training volume 45 , 49 , 50 Consequently, HIT may improve effectively the cardiorespiratory fitness of stroke patients in a shorter period of time.
If the purpose of the session of RT was to exercise the pectoralis major, for example, it is possible to infer that researchers had to adapt the exercise to contemplate the muscle group, since stroke patients present several limitations that may make it impossible to conduct the exercise in the machines.
The current evidence supports a role for exercise which combines cardiorespiratory training (including walking as an exercise mode) and strength training (particularly involving the upper body) presented in a group setting with other stroke survivors.
I think that it is potentially very exciting for stroke patients to have an additional adjunctive intervention to help with motor recovery,” Dr. Steven Messe, associate professor of neurology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and a fellow of the American Academy of Neurology, told Healthline.
The findings demonstrated an increased CSA after 12 weeks of RT. This increase in lean muscle mass could help to explain the higher muscle strength and power, as well as walking speed observed in stroke patients undergoing an eccentric RT program in comparison with volunteers who performed a concentric RT program 50 , so that taken together data demonstrate a potential superior effectiveness of eccentric RT programs in comparison with concentric RT programs.