WIRES understands the Google translation of our website may not be perfect. Her research interests include viral and bacterial diseases in Australian marsupials (particularly macropods and koalas) and studies of macropodid herpesviruses, including their molecular pathogenesis and interaction with the immune systems of infected animals.
Her research interests include assessing the humaneness of invasive animal control methods; developing standard operating procedures and codes 抓蛇 of practice for the humane control of invasive animals; and developing strategies to improve the welfare of commercially harvested kangaroos.
Although it is not the purpose of this project to consider in detail how humaneness should be incorporated into the overall assessment of suitability of a control method, the following provides an outline of how this could be done using either a cost-benefit analysis or multi-criteria decision analysis.
The current period of invasive species introduction began in 1788 with the arrival of the first European settlers The population density in Australia beyond the coastline and major cities has been very low since the arrival of European settlers and there are large tracts of land where, it is very difficult for people to manage even large feral animals like camels, horses, donkeys and water buffalos.
The Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association (AEPMA) sets standards for pest management industry, represents professional pest managers across Australia and administers PestCert, your guarantee that a pest management company meets the highest possible accreditation standards.
Currently, Peter is researching the effectiveness of netting to prevent damage to stonefruit crops by grey-headed flying foxes, aerial methods for surveying wildlife, cooperative wild canid management in arid, temperate and coastal environments and the manipulation of waterpoints for feral goat management.
The results are presented in a worksheet that describes the animal welfare impact in each of five domains (Part A) and, for lethal methods, the duration and suffering associated with the mode of death (Part B). Scores are provided for Parts A and B (where applicable) and also an overall humaneness score, which is the combination of scores for Parts A and B. For the sake of brevity, only a small sample of worksheets is included in this report.
It considers five components of the animal's environment: (1) the possibility of mobility; (2) social contact with members of the same species; (3) condition of the floors on which animals are lying, standing and walking; (4) stable climate (including ventilation, light and noise; and (5) the intensity of human care.
We perform bat trapping, Bat Removal, Bat Poop removal, bat control & bat exclusion services all over the entire State of Melbourne and not just in Melbourne Our two largest bat trapping jobs have been in Madison Melbourne and South Melbourne in a log cabin right near the Florida State line.
With the financial support of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry under the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS), a project to develop a process for assessing the relative humaneness of pest animal control methods was offered to tender in 2007.
But an embryonic movement to live more harmoniously with native and some non-native animals is slowly taking hold in scientific and government circles, and in some parts of the country, scientists, farmers and local authorities are working together to find kinder and more effective ways to live with wildlife.
Information from such a system could be used to assist decision makers in the development, planning and implementation stages of pest animal control programs along with other factors such as efficacy, cost-effectiveness, practicality, target specificity and operator safety.